The Fairness Project in the News
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Dr. Minor's monthly column, "Minor Details"returns to Kansas with the Premier of Out in Wichita

The magazine began both a print and online edition in September 2024 and welcomed the "Minor Details" column he'd written for over twenty years in Liberty Press. "Out in Wichita is thrilled to have Bob reignite 'Minor Details' with us after being featured in Liberty Press for over 20 years"



Dr. Minor Interviewed on
The Desert Sanctuary Podcast.

Spend an educational hour with Dr. Minor on religion, LGBTQ and other issues, and perepectives on what the religious right-wing's game plan is for America amd how to respond im a healthy manner to it.
Listen here.



Dr. Minor is Named Grand Marshall for the St. Joseph, Missouri Pride Parade, 2023

He will also be the keynote speaker to kick off St. Joseph's annual Pride Festival downtown following the parade.




Dr. Minor Speaks On-Line to 80 Government Agencies on Understanding LGBTQ Pride

On June 8, representatives of eighty federal agencies heard Dr. Minor speak for LGBTQ Pride Month sponsored by the Diversity Education and Cultural Awareness Council of the Federal Executive Board. In the past years he has been a regular speaker for numeros federal agencies such as the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Department of Homeland Security National Benefits Center, the National Records Center of the US Citizen and Immigration Service, and the Veterans Administration.


Dr. Minor Presents His Dealing with Religion Seminar as a PFLAG Academy Online.

Dr Minor's online presentation with over 100 participants was a version of his popular workshop from the 2019 National PFLAG Convention entitled "How to Stop Arguing Abouit Religion But Make Your Point
Watch the hour-long presentation here.


University of Kansas Professor Dr. Bob Minor to Speak at Darwin Day 2018

"Dr. Robert Minor, M.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas and longtime contributor and columnist of the “Minor Details” column in Liberty Press, will be the featured speaker at Darwin Day 2018, an annual event hosted by the Great Plains Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (the AU). Dr. Minor will present his topic, 'Why Do So Many Religious People Want the Government on Their Side?' at the dinner on Feb. 10 at the Olive Tree Banquet Hall in Wichita."
Read the full story here.

Dr. Minor interview on the Intersection of Homophobia and Religion

The "Humanist Hour" interviews Dr. Minor on the Intersection of Homophobia and Religion at the Sceptics of Oz Annual Conference where he spoke in Wichita, Kansas, October 22, 2016.
Listen here.


Thanksgiving 2016 Video includes recommendations from a Fairness Project Series Booklet

The video "How to Engage Your Trump Supporter Family Members Over Thanksgiving" created by Jeremy Rye and Anna Lesniak for Thanksgiving 2016 concludes with recommendations from The Fairness Project Series booklet "When You're Having a Religious Argument"

See it here.



"Religion professor says Bible is often used to justify homophobia, transphobia"

The Springfireld News-Leader reports September 21, 2016 on Dr. Minor's presentation to Springfield Missouri PFLAG. "Homophobia and transphobia are not born out of religion, according to one religious professor. They are products of cultural conditioning that begins from the time a child is born and assigned "pink" or "blue" gender roles and expectations. Religion, though, is often used to justify homophobic and transphobic prejudices, according to Robert Minor, a retired professor of religious studies at the University of Kansas."
Read the full article here.


Dr. Minor Featured in "The Future of Faith: The Changing Landscape of Today's Faith Community"

The Kansas City Star's Phoenix Newsletter in its June/July 2016 edition featured Dr. Minor in its article "The Future of Faith: The Changing Landscape of Today's Faith Community." Some quotations included advice: "Sometimes the healthiest spiritual path is to get out of it for awhile. Take some time to heal. Find freedom and then go back. When looking for a faith community, take your time and talk to people you respect who might have some ideas."

The full article is here.



"Dr. Minor in "Reconciling Religion and Therapy: Why You Can Talk to God and a Therapist" on TalkSpace therapy blog.

Read the full March 12, 2016 article here.



Dr Minor speaking at ASU"Arguing About Families - Gay, Straight or Neither"

Dr. Minor's keynote address, "Arguing About Families - Gay, Straight or Neither," given at the Symposium "Legally Gay" at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University on March 9, 2012, is now available in print and online in the Law Journal for Social Justice.

"A lot of very bad arguments take place using the word 'family.' By that, I mean they are based in falsehoods about the history and psychology of families. They are steeped in very creative, and current-position-affirming mythology, and void of what we historians call data. And they are found in every sphere, from religion to politics to law...."

You can download the complete article here.


SF Argus-LeaderSioux Falls Summit to Study Religion and Gays: Focus: Spiritual, Emotional and Psychological Needs

Keynote speaker is Robert Minor, professor emeritus of reiigious studies at the University of Kansas and author of eight books. Read more in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.


ECM Talk October 2012

Homophobia Lecture Enlightens Lawrence Adults (October 25, 2012)

Lawrence Young Adults gathered in the basement of Ecumenical Christian Ministries in Lawrence on Tuesday to listen to a lecture by a former University of Kansas profressor, Robert MInor entitled "How Homophobia Hurts All Relationships." Watch the video news story.



The Boston GlobeDr. Minor in The Boston Globe (January 8, 2011):

      "Robert N. Minor, professor emeritus of religious studies at the University of Kansas, said only winners have the luxury of shedding tears.
      'There are certain rules, a manhood code about when you can and cannot cry,' said Minor, who is on the board of the nonprofit American Men’s Studies Association. 'It’s OK to cry once you have already proven, particularly to other men, that you have fulfilled the manhood code. . . . That’s after they have defeated another man.'’’

Read: "Tearing Up a Taboo: Suddenly the stereotype of the stoic male is being washed away. Or is it?"


WATERLOO, IA, October 20, 2010 --- There is hope in a culture that seems to have given up on reversing males' violent behavior, according to Robert Minor.

Men, just like women, can be naturally whole, complete, caring, loving and nurturing, said Minor, professor emeritus of religious studies at the University of Kansas. He spoke on "Making Real Men: The Journey of Our Boys" to open the first daylong YWCA Week Without Violence conference at Hawkeye Community College on Tuesday.

Read the entire story from the October 20, 2010 Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

LJWorld.comNovember 6 , 2010
Dr. Minor again responds to a Lawrence Journal World "Faith Forum" question: "With Veterans Day in Mind, How Do War and Conflict Shape Religion?"

Read past answers to "Faith Forum" questions.

Equal Rights in ActionJune 27, 2009:
Present Magazine reprints Dr. Minor's June 2009 column
to commemorate Gay Pride Month and the Stonewall Riots:
"Is Stonewall Just Old History?"


Liberty Press logo"Liberty Press Columnist Offers His Thoughts on Life and Love:
Bob Minor Speaks to Bay Boomers"

Read the Liberty Press article


Columbia Missourian logo"Columbia Activists Discuss Ways to Be More Effective"

Read the Columbia Missourian's article reporting on Dr. Minor's workshops on June 28, 2008


Dr. Minor Speaks on When Religion Is an Addiction
at Outword Books in Milwaukee

May 17, 2008

Read a local report.




"The Higher Power of Addiction"
KU Professor Takes Aim at the 'Religious Right' and the Liberals Who Enable Them"

Read the story in the Lawrence Journal-World.


"Sexual Addiction and Religious Addiction Aren't Strange Bedfellows,"
Dr. Minor's March column recommended on Crooks and Mike's Blog Roundup


Kansas City Star Columnist Vern Barnet on the Death of International Men's Movement Leader Charlie Kreiner quotes Scared Straight.

Read "Speaker's Words Echoed from the Star.


The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
adapts Dr. Minor's July "Minor Details" column
as its Guest Opinion editorial —
"Marriage Amendments Assault Religious Freedom"

In the September-October 2006 edition.



Dr. Minor Keynotes Pacific Northwest PFLAG Conference — "Members Come Together in 2006!"

Dr. Minor kicked off the April 2006 Pacific Northwest Regional PFLAG Conference leading a half-day pre-conference workshop on "Solving the Personal Difficulties in Activism & Advocacy" with 50 attendees. He presented two conference sessions on "Ensuring Diversity Is Really Diverse." In a final session for all attendees on Sunday morning he addressed: "Strategies for the Future of the Debate around Religious Issues."

Photos and more story.


The Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance magazine in its Spring 2006 issue recommends Scared Straight as a "Teaching Tool" that "deconstructs many of the political and religious issues surrounding issues of sexuality"


In 2006 Dr. Minor was elected to a second term on the Board of Directors of the American Men's Studies Association, a not for profit professional organization of scholars, therapists, and others interested in the exploration of masculinity in modern society.



Fairness Project Summit a Success

Participants gathered October 21-23 for education and strategy sessions with speakers on a diverse set of topics for taking back the debate.



"Coming Out Day — Scared Straight"
Dr. Minor Speaks at Penn Valley Community College

Read the news report in The Penn Valley College Spectrum


"Intelligent Design" Mandates Schools to Teach Atheism
Kansas Religion Professor Says
Read the October 2005 National Press Release

Read "Teach Design's Other Side,"a shortened version of his "Minor Details" column
From The Kansas City Star



"Coming Out Not Just for GLBT Folks Anymore:
Upcoming Conference to Address Identifying as Progressive"

Read the October 2005 Liberty Press story.


Dr. Minor speaks at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana for "Speak Out Week 2005"

Read "'Scared Straight' Scares Depauw" in The Depauw , the University's student newspaper


The Kansas City Star again quotes from
Scared Straight:

“Heterosexuality and the straight role are enforced by fear and terror at every turn,” said Robert N. Minor in his book, Scared Straight: Why It's So Hard to Accept Gay People And Why It's So Hard to Be Human.

“Liberation movements disturb the system,” he writes. “So they are accused of ‘stirring up things' and ‘creating trouble.' A common reaction to women's suffrage, civil rights, migrant workers' rights, women's equality and gay liberation movements was to blame ‘those people' for bringing up the issue and ‘causing trouble and division.'”
Read the complete column.


Dr. Minor receives Flint Hills PFLAG Award for Outstanding Contributions and Achievement: He "has the heart for education and communicating about GLBT issues to the world, especially Kansas."



Dr Minor led three workshops at "Family Voices for Equality"
PFLAG's national conference in Salt Lake City, October 23-24, 2004 —

"Responding to Religious Arguments When You've Tried Everything Else and Nothing Seems to Work"
"How to Be an Activist Without Being a Victim"
"Dealing with Opposition to Safe Schools Work"



Dr. Minor quoted on MSNBC and NBC Nightly News, February 27, 2004

Dr. Minor quoted in USA Today, February 24, 2004


Missouri voters should take lessons from Dr. Minor's Scared Straight to the polls when they vote on the Gay Marriage Amendment, Kansas City Star columnist says. Read the entire June 11th column from the Kansas City Star.

Dr. Minor's Scared Straight insightfully explains the Republican's critique of John Kerry and his followers, Kansas City Star columnist says. Read the entire September 29th column from the Kansas City Star.



Dr. Minor (right) discusses the uses of the Bible to discriminate against LGBT people at a forum on the campus of the University of Kansas during Gay Pride Week. Also participating (from left) were other faculty from the Department of Religious Studies, Professor Dan Breslauer and Professor Tim Miller.

Read the story in the Lawrence Journal-World.






Dr. Minor spoke to educators, clergy, and others at a series of five events sponsored by Boulder PFLAG entitled "Moving Beyond the Rhetoric and Getting to the Real Issues" in Boulder, Colorado



Dr. Minor was a Visiting Scholar at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Read the story about his evening lecture in JMU's student newspaper, The Breeze.




Dr. Minor was the Keynote Speaker for the 2003 Washington State PFLAG Convention in Bellevue. He also led two workshops: "Understanding Homophobia: The Next Step" and "Dealing with Religious Arguments When You've Tried Everything Else and Nothing Seems to Work"





Dr. Minor speaks to high school and junior high students, teachers, counselors and parents at Francis W. Parker School in Chicago.
Read about it (pdf).




Scared Straight was:
a selection for Barnes & Noble's "Close the Book on Hate: Open Your Mind and Read" initiative in local stores.
... a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award.
... a finalist for the Independent Publisher Book Award.