"Minor Details"
e national column by Dr. Minor

"Minor Details" appeared in Gay Today (a national LGBT newsmagazine) since it was added by then editor/activist Jack Nichols in 2001. It remained a monthly staple until a few months after Jack's death in 2005. In 2012 "Minor Details" began to appear in LGBT-Today, founded by writer-journalist-activist Stephanie Donald. and after her retirement became Gay Today again.

You can join the email list that receives this column monthly. Or are you interested in including his insightful column in your publication? Contact us or recommend it to your local publication.

The following new GayToday columns are archived and available on-line

"Our Lives and Loved Ones Are on the Line Now" — September 23, 2024

"Don't Fall for Any ANti-LGBTQI+ Psychological Malarkey" — January 15, 2024

"Resolve Now to Make 2024 the Year We Take Back the Language" — December 6, 2023

"Sexual Sickness Remains Central to the Right-Wing's Self-Destructive Addictions" — November 1, 2023

"Don't Believe Anything You Hear When Someone Says 'The Bible Says It'" — July 31, 2023

"Should the Reliigiously Abused Just Leave It Now?" — June 29, 2023

"It's Not You. Translating What Right-Wingers Say to Trigger You" — May 31, 2023

"Could it Be Dangerous to Argue that Religion Is Responsible for Discrimination?" — April 27, 2023

"Do We Also Promote Those LGBTQI Stereotypes?" — February 28, 2023

"Are We Still Confused About Love and Sex on Valentine's Day 2023?" — January 26, 2023

"As Religion Addicts Battle in Their 'Culture War,' Here Are Rules of Engagement" — December 30, 2022

"I WIll Say It Again: Every Right-Wing Bigot Is Responsible for LGBTQ Nightcllub Murders"— November 22, 2022

"44 Suicides a Day? What's the Straight Role Doing to Our Veterans"— October 25, 2022

"How to Prepare for the Long Term Even If Political/Cultural Storms Threaten Just Off the Coast" — September 29, 2022

"What If We Don't Agree Politically? (An Answer to a Question I Keep Getting Asked)" — August 29, 2022

"The Pathetic Masculine Heroics of Today's Right-WIng" — July 26, 2022

"Not a Straight, White. MAGA Male? Then They're Coming for You" — June 28, 2022

"No Surprise in That Southern Baptist Sex Scandal Report: Religion Has a History of Covering Sexual Dysfunciton" — May 25, 2022

"Responding to the Current Right-WIng Grooming of Americans" — May 2, 2022

"How Much Longer Will 'Traditional' Be Used as If It Matters?" — March 29, 2022

"Is 'Color Blindness' a Worthy Goal?" — March 1, 2022

"Time to Say It Again: It's Looking Grim, But There's Still a Place for Hope" — December 1, 2021

"'Please Raise Them to Be Monsters'? Are We Still Stuck in that Kind of Masculinity?" — October 27, 2021

"An LGBTQ History Month Historical Revisiting of a Sainted Same-Sex Military Couple" — September 29, 2021

"The Controlling Power of Guilt" — July 5, 2021

"Forgive and Forget? Not So Fast!" — June 1, 2021

"Why Are Transgender People at the Center of Republican Culture Wars" — April 28, 2021

"'Culture Wars' Are Tweeked and Front and Center Again Because It's All One Party Has to Offer" — March 25, 2021

"Lessons I Hope We've Learned Over the Decades, 2021 Edition" — February 25, 2021

"Martin Luther King, Jr.: 'I Have a Dream" But It's Bigger Than You Think" —January 15, 2021

"Could Creativity and Imagination Be Too Scary, Subversive, and Even Too Queer?" —January 13, 2021

The following past LGBT Today columns are archived and available on-line:

"More Collateral Damage Is Just the Price of Making America Macho Again" —July 26, 2017

"What Now? Part Four: Are You Personally Prepared for this Fight?" —July 26, 2017

"What Now? Part Three: It's Not About Reasoning with the Right-Wing" —January 31, 2017

"What Now? Part Two: It's Not Either/Or, So Let's Face Race and Everything" — December 23, 2016

"What Now? Part One: Get Over Appearing Elitist" — November 23, 2016

"When We Still Excuse This Stuff as 'Locker Room Talk'" — October 12, 2016

"What Must a Woman Go Through to Become US President?" — September 22, 2016

"Face It: Religion Addicts Must Support Right-Wing Politicians" — August 25, 2016

"Republicans Throw Their Gay Adorers Under the Bus Again" — July 20, 2016

"I'll Say It: Every RIght-Wing BIgot Is Responsible for the Orlando Murders" — June 17, 2016

"Do Politicians Really Value What You Value?" — May 23, 2016

"Why Are Presidential Penises So Important?" — March 23, 2016

"Why 'God, Guns and Gays' Is Still Working" — February 18, 2016

"Religious People, What's Most Important to You?" — January 19, 2016

"It's Dangerous to Argue that Religion Is Responsible" — December 15, 2015

"Outrage Over Red Cups Fills the Attention Deficit of the Needy" — November 19, 2015

"Transender People Are Lightning Rods for Our Issues" — October 24, 2015

"Stonewall: The Reality that Inspires" — September 29, 2015

"The Supreme Court Moves to Destroy Straight Marriage" — July 22, 2015

"What Progressives Could Take from Religion Polls" — May 22, 2015

"Coming Out from Under the Covers" — April 25, 2015

"Stop Asking These Questions" — April 13, 2015

"Facing the Backlash from Religious Addicts" — February 21, 2015

"Power Is the Issue But It's Nervous" — February 6, 2015

"We Have Miles to Go to End Bullying" — December 21, 2014

"Come On, Stop Thinking of that Elephant" — December 1, 2014

"Why So Much American Anger?" — June 25, 2014

"The Right-Wing's Last Ditch Stategy" — April 27, 2014

"Fantasize with Me: Men Comfortable in Their Own Skin" —February 24, 2014

"No Matter How Ugly It's Going to Be, There's Hope in 2014 " — December 19, 2013

"Even ENDA Is Just Another Beginning" — November 24, 2013

"Will Marriage Equality Matter to the Community?" — October 22, 2013

"'It Hasn't Changed That Much'" — September 19, 2013

"Will You Boycott the Russian Olympics?" — August 25, 2013

"Now, What Will the Celebration Over ENDA Look Like?" — July 19, 2013

"Surprised That There's So Much Rape in the Military?" — June 18, 2013

"Pride" — May 7, 2013

"Mother's Day, and A Lot Else, Ain't What It Used to Be — April 19, 2013

"Make Up Reseach and Pray Hard — March 19, 2013

"Can 'Lincoln' Still Happen Here and Now?" — February 21, 2013

"Love and Sex on Valintine's Day" — January 24, 2013

"The Non-End of Homophobia" — December 13, 2012

"We Haven't Turned the Corner on Marriage Equality Yet" — November 14, 2012

"Could Fundamentalists Exist Without Being Motivated by Hate?" — October 14, 2012

"What's Love Worth, After All? " — September 24, 2012

"On the Serious Politics of Lying" — August 24, 2012

"The Politics of Hopelessness, Skepticism, and Dropping Out " — July 19, 2012

"Class, Race, and Addicts Who Prefer Eliminating LGBT People" — June 18, 2012

"'We Look Like Mississippi'" — May 20, 2012

"Will These Supremes Care About Equal Justice for All?" — April 20, 2012

"What Do We Learn from Rush's Latest Offense?" — March 23, 2012

"Will Culture Wars Work Again?" —February 22, 2012

The following past Gay Today columns are archived
and available on-line:

"The Annual War of Unbelief to Sell Christmas " — January, 2006

"When Religion is an Addiction" — December, 2005

"A Mandate to Teach Stupid Design" — October, 2005

"Don't Talk About Sex in the USA" — August, 2005

"Whatever Happened to Capitalism?" — August 23, 2004

"Eight Lessons from Missouri" — August 23, 2004

"Getting Rid of Our Liberal Guilt" — August 2, 2004

"Kissing the Pope's Toe: George W. Bush's Perverse Relationship" — July 12, 2004

"It's What Straight Men Do to Each Other" — May 31, 2004

"What About Motherhood?" — May 3, 2004

"Disobedience and the Marriage Movement" — April 5, 2004

"Finding the Love of Our Life: 'Not into Bar Scene,' Part Two" — March 1, 2004

"'Not into Bar Scene': Part One" — February 2, 2004

"A Rich Daddy's Boy: Doing the Macho Strut in Election 2004" — January 5, 2004

"Asking for Gifts We Really Need from Those We Really Love" — December 8, 2003

"Women Who Beat Up Themselves" — November 3, 2003

"Alabama's Justice Roy Moore and His Graven Image" — September 15, 2003

"It Was the Summer of '03" — September 15, 2003

"The Faithless Bush-Push to Kill Government Social Programs" — September 8, 2003

"It's About Love: Nothing Less and Nothing More?" — July 7, 2003

"Our Children: What Have We Been Doing to Them?" — June 16, 2003

"Conservatives: Their Deadly Hooks" — May 12, 2003

"Seven Myths that Will Wreck a Relationship" — March 31, 2003

"Duct Tape and Cover: Weapons of Mass Distraction" — February 24, 2003

"Is Your Valentine Truly Your Friend?" — February 3, 2003

"Are You Valuable Because You Have Money?" — January 6, 2003

"The Pitiful State of Gay Politics" — December 9, 2002

"Dreaming Big Dreams in a Small Town" — November 4, 2002

"The Psychological Debate is Over" — September 30, 2002

"Taming Rev. Martin Luther King's Dream and Co-opting Yours" — September 9, 2002

"Sex That's Not Straightjacketed" — July 29, 2002

"Independence Day and the War on Terrorism" — July 1, 2002

"The Legend of the Stonewall Inn: What Does it Mean?"June 17, 2002

"That Romantic Touch" — May 20, 2002

"Priests, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Addiction"
— April 29, 2002

"Why Stand Up for Others"
— April 1, 2002

"The Whys of Gay Parenting"
— March 25, 2002

"Gay and Lesbian Parents: Just as Good Isn't Good Enough
" — March 4, 2002

"Relationships: Those 'Sweet Nothings' Are Really Something" — February 11, 2002

"Where's the Sex in All of This?"
— January 28, 2002

"Don't Let School Dumb You Down"
— January 14, 2002

"Are We Victims of Our Past? What's Tradition For?"
January 7, 2002

"'Tis the Season.."
— December 3, 2001

"Do Our Heros Have to Be Straight Acting?"
— November 19, 2001

"Laramie Beyond the Media"
— November 5, 2001

"Is George W a Capable Commander-in-Chief?"
— September 17, 2001

"Why Support the Rights of the Transgendered?"
— September 10, 2001

"Sports Culture, Part Two: Girls on the Playground"
— August 27, 2001

"Sports Culture, Part One: Boys on the Playground"
— August 20, 2001

"Working for a Good Cause Isn't Easy: The Hazards of Leading Us"
— August 6, 2001

"The Real Tragedy of Turning Thirty"
— July 30, 2001

"America Says We're Sick?"
— July 16, 2001


Past book and film reviews by Dr. Minor from Gay Today:

"Review of Mel Gibson's, The Passion of the Christ" — March 15, 2004

"Review of Joe Kort, 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives" — September 1, 2003

"Review of Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini, Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Tolerance" — April 7, 2003

"Review of Mark D. Jordon, The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism" — October 7, 2002